Selected publications (2007-2022)
Kogias, G., Tsakaloudi, V., Zaspalis, V. “Thermal instabilities of cobalt containing MnZn ferrite cores for medium (500 kHz) frequency applications” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2021, 529, 167848
Tsakaloudi, V., Beatrice, C., Dobak, S., Fiorillo, F., Zaspalis, V. “Measuring and modeling broadband magnetic losses versus temperature and aging effects in CoO-doped Mn-Zn ferrites” IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 2020, 2020-June, pp. 1454–1458, 9152246
Beatrice, C., Dobák, S., Tsakaloudi, V., ...Maniοudaki, A., Zaspalis, V. “Magnetic aging in TiO2-doped Mn-Zn ferrites” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2020, 502, 166576
Beatrice, C., Dobák, S., Tsakaloudi, V., Ragusa, C., Fiorillo, F. “The temperature dependence of magnetic losses in CoO-doped Mn-Zn ferrites” Journal of Applied Physics, 2019, 126(14), 143902
Tsakaloudi, V., Kogias, G., Zaspalis, V.T. “A new power MnZn ferrite for broad temperature range applications” AIP Advances, 2019, 9(3), 035212
Dobak, S., Beatrice, C., Fiorillo, F., Tsakaloudi, V., Ragusa, C. “Magnetic loss decomposition in Co-Doped Mn-Zn ferrites” IEEE Magnetics Letters, 2019, 10, 8533361
Beatrice, C., Dobák, S., Tsakaloudi, V., Fiorillo, F., Raguse, C., Martino, L., Zaspalis, V. “Magnetic loss, permeability, and anisotropy compensation in CoO-doped Mn-Zn ferrites” AIP Advances, 2018, 8(4), 047803
Tsakaloudi, V., Zaspalis, V. “Synthesis of a low loss Mn-Zn ferrite for power applications” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2016, 400, pp. 307–310
Beatrice, C., Tsakaloudi, V., Dobák, S., Zaspalis, V., Fiorillo, F. “Magnetic losses versus sintering treatment in Mn-Zn ferrites” (2017) Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 429, pp. 129-137
Stergiou, C.A., Zaspalis, V. “Impact of Ferrite Shield Properties on the Low-Power Inductive Power Transfer” (2016) IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 52 (8), art. no. 7422785
Afghahi, S.S.S., Jafarian, M., Stergiou, C.A. “Multicomponent nanocomposites with carbonyl Fe-CoFe2O4-CaTiO3 fillers for microwave absorption applications” (2016) Materials and Design, 112, pp. 462-468
Stergiou, C.A., Litsardakis, G. “Y-type hexagonal ferrites for microwave absorber and antenna applications” (2016) Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 405, pp. 54-61
Kogias, G., Zaspalis, V.T. “Temperature stable MnZn ferrites for applications in the frequency region of 500kHz” (2015) Ceramics International, Article in Press
Stergiou, C.A., Zaspalis, V. “The role of prefiring in the development of Mn-Zn spinel ferrites for inductive power transfer” (2015) Ceramics International, 41 (3), pp. 4798-4804
Stergiou, C.A., Zaspalis, V. “High Frequency Properties of Ferrite/Fe-Si-Al Alloy Soft Magnetic Composites” (2015) Physics Procedia, 75, pp. 1389-1395
Kogias, G., Zaspalis, V. “New MnZn Ferrite with Low Losses at 500 kHz over a Broad Temperature Range” (2015) Physics Procedia, 75, pp. 1286-1293
Stergiou, C.A., Stimoniaris, A.Z., Delides, C.G. “Hybrid Nanocomposites With Organoclay and Carbon-Based Fillers for EMI Suppression” (2015) IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 57 (3), art. no. 7006801, pp. 470-476
Tsakaloudi, V., Kogias, G., Zaspalis, V.T. “Process and material parameters towards the design of fast firing cycles for high permeability MnZn ferrites” (2014) Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 588, pp. 222-227
Stergiou, C.A., Zaspalis, V. “Analysis of the complex permeability of NiCuZn ferrites up to 1 GHz with regard to Cu content and sintering temperature” (2014) Ceramics International, 40 (1 PART A), pp. 357-366
Zaspalis, V.T., Tsakaloudi, V., Kogias, G. “MnZn-ferrites: Targeted material design for new emerging application products” (2014) EPJ Web of Conferences, 75, art. no. 04004
Tsakaloudi, V., Holz, D., Zaspalis, V. “The effect of externally applied uniaxial compressive stress on the magnetic properties of MnZn-Ferrites” (2014) Funtai Oyobi Fummatsu Yakin/Journal of the Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy, 61 (SUPLL.1), pp. S204-S207
Kogias, G., Holz, D., Zaspalis, V. “New MnZn ferrites with high saturation flux density” (2014) Funtai Oyobi Fummatsu Yakin/Journal of the Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy, 61 (SUPLL.1), pp. S201-S203
Eleftheriou, E., Tsakaloudi, V., Kogias, G., Zagorowska, M., Zaspalis, V. “Hexagonal ferrite materials for the manufacturing of very high frequency (∼95 GHz) non reciprocal components” (2014) Funtai Oyobi Fummatsu Yakin/Journal of the Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy, 61, pp. S296-S298
Holz, D., Pagana, A., Tsakaloudi, V., Kogias, G., Zaspalis, V. “Fundamentals of the densification mechanism of nicuzn-ferrites” (2014) Funtai Oyobi Fummatsu Yakin/Journal of the Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy, 61 (SUPLL.1), pp. S75-S77
Tsakaloudi, V., Sakellari, D., Zaspalis, V., Polychroniadis, E.K. “Stress relaxation phenomena in NiCuZn ferrites induced by annealing” (2013) Journal of Materials Science, 48 (10), pp. 3692-3699
Tsakaloudi, V., Holz, D., Zaspalis, V.”The effect of externally applied uniaxial compressive stress on the magnetic properties of power MnZn-ferrites” (2013) Journal of Materials Science, 48 (10), pp. 3825-3833
Stergiou, C., Eleftheriou, E., Zaspalis, V. “Enhancement of the near-field UHF RFID with ferrite substrates” (2012) IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 48 (4), art. no. 6172388, pp. 1497-1500
Kogias, G., Tsakaloudi, V., Van Der Valk, P., Zaspalis, V. “Improvement of the properties of MnZn ferrite power cores through improvements on the microstructure of the compacts” (2012) Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 324 (2), pp. 235-251
Stergiou, C., Litsardakis, G. “Preparation and magnetic characterization of CO2-W strontium hexaferrites doped with Ni and La” (2011) Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 323 (18-19), pp. 2362-2368
Tsakaloudi, V., Zaspalis, V.T. “Tailoring the temperature characteristics of the magnetic permeability of NiZn ferrites” (2010) Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 322 (5), pp. 517-522
Stergiou, C.A., Manolakis, I., Yioultsis, T.V., Litsardakis, G. “Dielectric and magnetic properties of new rare-earth substituted Ba-hexaferrites in the 2-18 GHz frequency range” (2010) Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 322 (9-12), pp. 1532-1535
Eleftheriou, E., Tsakaloudi, V., Kogias, G., Van Der Valk, P., Zaspalis, V. “New high-frequency hexagonal ferrite materials (i) 900 MHz RFID antennas (ii) 94 GHz non-reciprocal switches” (2009) 2009 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC Europe, art. no. 5189725
Sakellari, D., Tsakaloudi, V., Zaspalis, V., Polychroniadis, E.K. “The influence of the synthesis conditions of NiCuZn ferrites on their microscopic homogeneity” (2009) Defect and Diffusion Forum, 283-286, pp. 483-486
Logakis, E., Pandis, C., Peoglos, V., Pissis, P., Stergiou, C., Pionteck, J., Pötschke, P., Mičušík, M., Omastová, M. “Structure-property relationships in polyamide 6/multi-walled carbon nanotubes nanocomposites” (2009) Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics, 47 (8), pp. 764-774
Nalbandian, L., Delimitis, A., Zaspalis, V.T., Deliyanni, E.A., Bakoyannakis, D.N., Peleka, E.N. “Hydrothermally prepared nanocrystalline Mn-Zn ferrites: Synthesis and characterization” (2008) Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 114 (1-3), pp. 465-473
Zaspalis, V.T., Kolenbrander, M. “Mixing homogeneity and its influence on the manufacturing process and properties of soft magnetic ceramics” (2008) Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 205 (1-3), pp. 297-302
Hanuszkiewicz, J., Holz, D., Eleftheriou, E., Zaspalis, V. “Materials processing issues influencing the frequency stability of the initial magnetic permeability of MnZn ferrites” (2008) Journal of Applied Physics, 103 (10), art. no. 103907
Sakellari, D., Tsakaloudi, V., Polychroniadis, E.K., Zaspalis, V. “Microstructural phenomena controlling losses in NiCuZn-ferrites as studied by transmission electron microscopy” (2008) Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 91 (2), pp. 366-371
Tsakaloudi, V., Eleftheriou, E., Stoukides, M., Zaspalis, V. “Electromagnetic properties of Mn-doped NiCuZn-ferrites” (2007) Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 318 (1-2), pp. 58-64
Stergiou, A., Kerasiotis, I., Stergiou, C. “Crystallographic study of NdxBa1-xCuOy (x=0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8) compounds prepared by heating of component mixtures” (2007) Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 9 (6), pp. 1772-1778
Zaspalis, V.T., Tsakaloudi, V., Kolenbrander, M. “The effect of dopants on the incremental permeability of MnZn-ferrites” (2007) Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 313 (1), pp. 29-36
Holz, D., Van Der Valk, P., Kogias, G., Eleftheriou, E., Zaspalis, V. “Industrial quantitative control of the pressing behavior of spray-dried MnZn-ferrite granules” (2007) Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 90 (6), pp. 1780-1786
Sikalidis, C., Zaspalis, V. “Utilization of Mn-Fe solid wastes from electrolytic MnO2 production in the manufacture of ceramic building products” (2007) Construction and Building Materials, 21 (5), pp. 1061-1068
Tsakaloudi, V., Zaspalis, V.T. “A new Mn-Zn ferrite for high-speed data transmission applications in telecommunication networks” (2007) Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 310 (2 SUPPL. PART 3), pp. 2540-2542
Selected contributions in International and National Conferences
SMM25-25th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference, Grenoble-France, 2-5 May, 2022
35th Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science, 26-29 September 2021, virtual conference
IEEE 29th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics ISIE20, 17-19 June 2020, online conference
SMM24-24th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference, Poznan-Poland, 4-7 September, 2019
2019 Joint MMM-Intermag Conference, Washington DC-USA, 14-18 January, 2019
IEEE AIM Conference 2018, La Thule, 4-7 February, 2018
15th International Workshop on 1&2 Dimensional Magnetic Measurement and Testing, Grenoble-France, 24-26 September, 2018
SMM23-23rd Soft Magnetic Materials Conference, Sevilla-Spain, 10-13 September 2017
PCIM Europe, Power electronics-Intelligent motion- Renewable Energy- Energy Management Exhibition, Nuremberg-Germany, 16-18 May, 2017 (visiting)
2DM-2106 14th International Workshop on 1&2-Dimensional Magnetic Μeasurement and Testing, Tianjin-China, 23-25 September 2016
5th International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism, Fethiye-Turkey, 24-30 April, 2016
MISM 2014, Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism, Moscow-Russia, June-July 2014
SMM22, 22nd Soft Magnetic Materials Conference, Sao Paulo-Brazil, 13-16 September, 2015
Electroceramics XIV, Bucharest, June 2014
9th National Chemical Engineering Conference, Athens-Greece, May 2013
JEMS-2013, Joint European Magnetic Symposia, Rhodes-Greece, 25-30 August 2013
ICF-11, 11th International Conference on Ferrites, Okinawa-Japan, 15-19 April, 2013
EMCC-7, 7th Chemical Engineering Conference for Collaborative Research in Eastern Mediterranean Countries, Corfu-Greece, 27 April-1 May, 2012
SMM20-20th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference, Kos-Greece, September 2011
8th National Chemical Engineering Conference, Thessaloniki, May 2011
DURACOSYS- 9th International Conference on Durability of Composite Systems, Patras-Greece, September 2010
26th National Conference on Solid State Chemistry and Materials Science, Ioannina-Greece, September 2010
NN10- 7th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies NN10, Ouranoupolis-Greece, July 2010
21st European Ceramic Society Conference, Krakow 21-25 June, 2009
EMC Europe Workshop-Materials in EMC Applications, Athens 11-12 June, 2009
SMM19, 19th International Conference on Soft Magnetic Materials, Torino-Italy, 2009
25th National Scientific Conference on Solid State Chemistry and Materials Science, Thessaloniki, 20-23 September, 2009
ICF-10, 10th International Conference on Ferrites, Chengdu-China, October 10-13, 2008
4th International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids DSL 2008, Barcelona, July 9-11, 2008
IEEE International Magnetics Conference INTERMAG 2008, Madrid, 4-8 May, 2008
Intermag 2008, 8th International Magnetics Conference, Madrid-Spain, 2008
14th European Microscopy Conference EMC 2008, Aachen, 1-5 September, 2008
24th National Scientific Conference on Solid State Chemistry and Materials Science, 21-24 September, 2008
JEMS 2008- Joint European Magnetic Symposia, Dublin-Ireland, September 2008
CEFC 2008, ΙΕΕΕ Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, Athens-Greece, May 2008
EUROMAT 2017, European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes, Nuremberg, September 10-13, 2007
6th National Chemical Engineering Conference, Athens-Greece, May 2007
INSIDE PORES- In sity Study and Development of Processes Involving Porous Solids, 2nd International School and Workshop, Thessaloniki, 24-28 February, 2007
23rd National Scientific Conference on Solid State Chemistry and Materials Science, Athens-Greece, 23-26 September, 2007
ICM-17, 17th International Conference on Magnetism, Kyoto-Japan, 20-25 August, 2006
22nd National Scientific Conference on Solid State Chemistry and Materials Science, 24-26 September, 2006
EMCC-4, 4th Chemical Engineering Conference for Collaborative Research in Eastern Mediterranean, Dead-Sea Israel, January 9-11, 2006
21st National Scientific Conference on Solid State Chemistry and Materials Science, Nicosia-Cyprus, 28-31 August, 2006
2nd International Conference on Electroceramics, Seoul-Korea, June 12-16, 2005
5th National Chemical Engineering Conference, Thessaloniki, 26-28 May, 2005
ICF-9, 9th International Conference on Ferrites, San Francisco-USA, August 22-27, 2004
EMCC-3, 3rd Chemical Engineering Conference for Collaborative Research in Eastern Mediterranean, Τhessaloniki-Greece, 2003
ICE-2003- 1st International Conference on Electroceramics, MIT Boston-USA, August 2003